Wednesday 1 December 2010

Analysis of three advertisements that relate to your genre- must outline how they relate to your genre and audience

This poster of Rihanna's album 'Loud' has cleverly used two forms of promoting the album by having the actual ablum cover inserted into the main poster (above) and put in the poster. This relates to my genre as Rihanna's music is Pop/R&B, but she sings about things that are relevant to our target audience of young girls and teenagers.  

This advert relates to our genre as the audience of young girls, some may what to use the espacism of being a cartoon character and pretend to be someone else. This would make young girls be intrigued to go to Katy Perry's 'The California Dreams' to indulge themselves in fantasy and the notion of falling in a kind of fairytale love existence.

Beyonce's tour is to promote her current album. Her use of ellipsis (...) engages with our genre as we picked our sing to engage with young girls, which is in keeping with Beyonce adverting her audience to come and sing along at her tour.

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