Wednesday 1 December 2010

Analysis of three digipaks relating to our genre of pop (Research)

The colours used in the front cover are very bright and bold. This is a typical conevntion of a pop video because it looks attractive and targets younger children. Our music video is also colourful. The costume we used in our video is colourful;bright green and orange and hints of yellow. Most of these colours are shown in the fornt cover and help to attract the audience. The Saturdays target a young audience from around the ages of 10 and above, mainly girls. The music in the album is very upbeat and quity "cheesy" which is similar to most pop videos and our music video. We used a very "cheesy" concept of showing two individuals in love. In the sturdays' videos, they use many different colours to represent each memebr. Although this may seem very childish to an older audience for example over eighteen, the younger audience will be very interested. The saturday's are dressed shorts, skirts, tops and dresses. This dress sense does not reveal too much and also gives style ideas to their fans. Similarly, in our music video, the costume used was similar to that of the Saturdays and it was suitable for the audience. Both the characters in our music video and The Saturdays are not dressed in bikinies and standing next to men with big chains, They look innocent and pretty. There was not a proper digipak for this band and the others below becaus eit is not typical of a pop artist and album.

Miley cyrus is also known as Hannah Montana, who is a mega massive pop star. Her songs are mainly targeted to a younger, female audience starting from the young ages of 5-6. Similarly, Miley Cyrus produces music that is very similar to her pop genre. The picture of her in heh front cover is very pop-star looking. For example, it looks very similar to the front cover of Britney Spears album, with the stomach showing. This is
seen as a typical pop star pose. However Miley Cyrus targets a littleolder audience starting from the ages of 13 and above. This relates to our target audience for our video. Our video contains scenes of the characters kissing and hugging which is quite unsuitable for an audience younger than 14/13. In Miley Cyrus' videos, she is seen wearing much more reveling clothes than Hannah Montana and also songs that are written by herself and her father. These songs have strong meanings, so a much older audience would be more likely to understand the meaning of the song. This artist does not sing cheesy pop songs but has a similar target audience as our music video. The music in this album is mainly love songs which relates to our song.

JLS target a huge young teenage fanbase. This is our fanbase too. The music contains very younger audience to sing asimple lyrics which are quite "cheesy"- "My heart won't beat again". This relates to our music video's lyrics "I love you". The lyrics are supported with funky beats and music which the younger audience are more interested in. The simple lyrics also make it easier for the long to it.

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