Wednesday 1 December 2010

Analysis of three digipaks that relate to your genre-must outline how they relate to your genre and audience (Research)

Amy Winehouse's digipak relates to my genre because she uses her emotions in crafting her music. As she her lyrics are all about love and the different aspects of being in love, for example, her declaration of how in  love sh is with her boyfriend.This relates to the 'These Words' showing the our singer declaring her love fo her boyfriend. Also, the audience attracts the same demographic as our musc genre, young girls and teenagers as they  feel that at these ages they can relate to the lyrics because it links their own personal changes.

Pixie Lott's digipak relates to the genre,  Pop because it uses the convention of a face full picture of the artist on the front. Also, this connotes in with the thoughts that the majority of these songs are about Lott's personal life, especailly her love life. This is where our audience are similar because teenagers girls can connect with the revelance of her lyrics as they are living their lives.

The digipak of Kylie's 'Aphrodite' shows that Kylie has a mid shot of herself in the centre of the front cover and her arms are wide open. This connotes that her arms being wide open demonstrates she is ready to love again, as she is older than Pixie Lott and Amy Winehouse, therefore she has been through the emotional feeling of love as a teenager. However, Kylie shows that its not 'the end of the world' after your first love.  

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