Image One
I want to use this on the front cover of the digipak, as it would be a reminder to the audience that she is a solo pop artist. This would give her music the sense that it is sort of autobiographical because the song 'These Words' is about her celebrating her love for her boyfriend.
Image Two
This image is a still from the video as it shows her familairity with her surrounding. This could be used on the thank you page or on the back page of the digipak. As it fits with the genre of pop and the direction she looks in works very well.
Image Three
This image illustrates the side of Emily Bloom having more attitude- its a feisty pose. Though,I think the curly hair would complement the happy ethos of the song being set outdoors.Image Four
This photo shows that the artist has an innocent glint in her eyes,which adds emphasises to her boyfriend treating her like a princess. This highlights the song's meaning of innocent and young love- almost first love because the artist allows her audience to look into her eyes and see happiness.
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