Friday 14 January 2011

Evaluation: How did you use media technologies in the construction and research planning and evaluation stages?

This will be present as a video explaining all aspects of media technology.

The Apple Mac was used to type up my work on blogger, upload my video onto the computer. Also, to make all the adjustment to my music video using the program 'Final Cut Pro' an editing software. The canvas replicates the 'programme' monitor in such systems, where the edited material is viewed. The 'timeline', where media are cut together into a sequence, replicates the edit of th music video.

I used it research music videos that influenced and take screen shots of the direct links to video that complement my music video,which I used in my evualation. In terms of research on you tube, vimeo etc.Also, I had to research a shortlist of possible music videos I would like to use.

I used Blogger keeps my online diary of my work through the research forVlamdir Propp ideology and Andrew Goodwin theory, in terms of which aspects apply to thesong my group and I chose. Also, planning was vital to make sure I stuck to the time I had to shorlist the songs and do my audience task and to explain why I chose the song 'These Words' by Natasha Bedingfield. Furthermore, the evaluation was completed on Blogger which documented and reflected upon all the planning, researching etc from the beginning of this coursework to the end.

The video camera was used to make the music video. This allowed me to experiment with the camera by doing some of the shots hand-held.

I used 'Google' to  research videos that influenced my music video, find concepts that linked with my video and to planning my video's ideas. Also, it was very useful for upload music videos from 'Youtube',which has a direc link from blogger to access.

I used this program to edit my music video because it help me understand that the lip-synch had to be on time. However, if the singing was out of synch, it can make the editing go out of time. This did cause some problems but I did overcome this. 

I used Photoshop to make my digipak and advertisement. Also, I made my flowers using 'Custom Shape Tool' for my digipak (design above).

This is a screenshot of my animatic, which has already been embedded onto my blog.  

I used handbrake to convert any videos that I needed to upload into blogger had to be small enough to fit onto an ipod/ ipod touch,which compresses into a smaller file to go onto the blogger. If this is not done the video file would be too big and would not upload onto blogger.  

1 comment:

  1. Your proposed plan for this question looks good - you are thinking about 'how' you used the technology rather than just listing what it was, which is great. I look forward to seeing the video!
