Thursday 13 January 2011

Q4: What have you learned from your audience feedback? (Evaluation)

Our video on the big screen!

The audience in the cinema did seem to enjoy our video and applauded at the end.

Audience Feedback after Cinema Screening

Class feedback on my main product (VIDEO)

"The editing was good because it marked the pace of the song. However, the lip synching could be improved a little."
I agree that the lip synching was out sometimes and I have learnt that if the artist is seen singing a little off synch, this can make a huge impact to the overall video.

" The floral theme matches the summer mood of the song. However because of the sun, the lighting showed a few black shadows especially when the artist is seen singing on the red climbing frames"
We were unable to get the lighting the same at all times on that day of filming as the weather was breezy and some parts of the location were either really shady and some very sunny. I believe that is something to be careful of if making a music video.

The location and mise en scene fitted well with the codes and conventions of the genre. However, more locations could have been used".
We aimed to have a floral, realistic, 'normal day' feel to our video, which was why we mainly filmed in parks. Initially, we did plan to use different locations such as a riverside etc, but when filming, it made sense to keep it all one location but often change the costume of the artist to make it more engaging rather than the location.

Feedback on my ancillary products (DIGIPAK AND ADVERT)

My response to the feedback received about my main product and ancillary texts

    1 comment:

    1. Hi Shopna
      I love the videos BUT they are on a slant which means that you can't really watch them. is there any way that you can turn them so that they are playing the right way up?!
      YOur plan for this question looks good - but you must remember that the majority of the marks for this question will come from you thinking about what you've learned, rather than showing us what feedback you actually got. So bear that in mind when you are producing your response.
