Wednesday 22 September 2010

Task One: Analysis of a music video focusing on the four key concepts of narrative, genre, media langauge and representation (Research)

The narrative structure of this video tells the story about the narrator (Lily Allen) being hurt by her ex-boyfriend and now sadistically caused him emotional pain without him knowing she was behind the revengeful acts that where happening to him, for example his flat being trashed.
This reminscent of something else as Pink's video 'So What', where she has her ex-husband appear in it being shouted at by Pink. This is a symbolism of revenge in which Pink felt humilated by him and now she felt that it was his turn to be shamed.

There is an equilibrium because it is a balanced thought from Lily's view point.

Lily was the central performer in this narrative because the story is one of Lily's life experience based on her revenge towards her ex-boyfriend.

The lyrics link to the narrative through the shot from Point Of View angles to highlight the amplification between Lily and her ex because the video is narrating Lily's story about how she felt after their break up.
The cross-cutting between two different scenes of action , as the link to the narrative was the example of Lily sits in the Cafe with her ex-boyfriend, whilst she has paid for his flat to be wrecked. The ellipsis is a big jump in time from afternoon, when her ex-boyfriend's vinyls for his DJing were destroyed and then he realised that they were ruined at his gig.

The primary audience for this video are teenagers and young people because emotionally they can look at relationships in very naive and commit revenge in an impulsive way. As young people want to take revenge on their partner if he/ she had cheated and think its fair to let the ex-partner suffer from the pain, too. Though, many people have not gone too such extreme examples of revenge in Allen's video but they can still relate.
The secondary audiendce for this video is anyone else because some may find it funny how Lily's behaving in the film. Even some may remember the first time they had a boyfriend or a girlfriend who treated them badly similar to Lily's narrative and may emphasise with this video.

This video appears to me as a generical convention of an ex-girlfriend seeking revenge on herex-boyfriend who caused her pain.

The creation of perspective is from Lily's point of view as the use of low angles are used to show she is in control and is the dominant role in the narrative. This encourages the view to emphasise with Lily's situation of being treated.
The manipulation of time from afternoon then evening.
The shot reverse shot when she was sat in the Cafe talking and listening to her ex-boyfriend rant about getting mugged.

The tone of the voice creates a funny video about revenge morally being a bad thing to do but the idiom revenge 'dish is a served sweet' is the underline reference.

I agree it has been edited conventionally to give the pop video the message of revenge can be fun, nevertheless the video does this a jovial way.

The 'still' is from the genre of pop.

The street corners where Lily pays yobs to trash up her ex-boyfriend's home, which is reminscent of the stereotype that chavs hang around streets causing trouble. The location of Cafe has strong connotations with work-class people, who go to eat at what is refer to as 'creasy spoons'.

The 'still' used icongraphy to help the audience, by the first picture she has a glum expression becasue she sat on her bed eating chocolate. Then,her sadden turned to revenge due to her feeling better as she plots revenge on her ex-boyfriend.

The artist and the costume links with the genre as Lily wore dress and trainers are stereotypically very chavvy,which links to the fact the song 'Smile' highlights her paying chavs to trash her ex-boyfriend's home. Also, she took revenge by putting laxatives in his tea.
Towards the end of the film, Lily wore a long black coat with the collar up highlights Lily's sinster dress code link with a private detective completing her mission on seekng revenge on her ex-boyfriend. Also, it shows that mishievious and cunning side of Lily as she wore it in the Cafe scenes.

The representation of Lily Allen enforces the stereotype of being a female chav who has a strong negative prespective by the media connotations involving crime, rudeness and gold jewellery. The media uses Lily Allen's stereotype to enhance the mediated persona of this singer's personality based on her appearance, which marginalised the media's view of her.

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