Wednesday 29 September 2010

Review Of A Student Video

In today's Media class, we were told to analysed a variety of music video made by students a few years ago. The genre of the music I chose to review is Garage-Dance, and the target audience are teenage girls. The narrative of the music video is about a girl who does not want to be with her boyfriend anymore, so she decided to break up with him. All of her friends then turn up and throw a party as a result of her getting over him. The storyline is very typical for the target audience as it  is all about girl power, and girls staying together.
The media language was very basic. It included many close ups, mid shots and long shots. The camera work though was very good for the music video that she chose and the genre was garage, and it does not need a lot of extravagant camerawork and editing as a Rock video would have.
The mise en scene was quite conventional for the genre, there was a phone as one of her props which is quits conventional for her storyline, in some of the scenes she was standing in a black background wearing a pink dress with is also very conventional for the genre. The Location was good as it can relate to teenage girls who are having problems with their boyfriends, then all of their friends come over to have a party at her houses.
Overall the music video was very conventional for the narrative and the genre.

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