Sunday 26 September 2010

Analysis Of A Music Video (JLS - Everybody In Love)

JLS's music video "Everybody In Love" conveys the genre "Love". This is shown through many aspects of the video such as the lyrics and the images. The narrative of the video is about finding love and being with someone that you love, JLS are involved in and out of the narrative. This may make it easier for the audience to understand as they play both parts, instead of having actors portray them.
The genre of the music video is "Love". The audience can hear this through the lyrics, "Everybody in love", "I'd wait forever and a day for you" and "I wait up, wait up for you". These lyrics all convey love as they are saying how much they are in love and will do anything for their loved ones.
The editing of the video contains many transitions such as slow fades to convey the genre of the video which is love and R&B. The video has a very slow pace to it and the fade in and fade outs help contribute to the genre. The costume is very casual which does contribute to the genre as they are not wearing extravagant costumes which could be pop or rock, but simple clothing fit for a love song and R&B. The lighting is quite light and bright when the camera is showing their faces, but other than those scenes, the lighting is quite low to set the mood for the song. The location contributes to the genre as the location is very simple for example the balcony and a stage, involving props such as a car. Other video may use locations such as a club for Hip Hop, or plain rooms for Rock. Since the genre is R&B, The location they used was a simple stage and a building as in most R&B videos, narratives are told in these locations which is very conventional.
As the audience we are encouraged to participate by thinking about the loved ones that we may have. From the lyrics to the images, it makes it very easy for the audience to identify with the video as they are always mentioning the word "love" and therefore we as the audience will hear the lyrics and images and think about ourselves.

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