Sunday 26 September 2010

Task Five: Reflection on lip synch tutorial experience, including photos and embedded video

Today’s lesson, my group were given the song ‘If I can’t have you’ by Motown Songtress Yvonne Elliman where had to practise making a music video.
I learnt how to put together the soundtrack and video cuts onto ‘Final Cut Pro’. This was matched to the soundtrack, which was vital to making the lip synching in sync with the track playing. There were shots that my group filmed that were portrayed at horizontal angle which unintentionally gave the video a black background. This did fit into the genre of the video but it happened because were did not know how to rotate the film. This was indentified during editing the video.
Every group, were not permitted to use tripods, thus we were practising how to use the camera hand-held. I found this quite easy yet it required a lot of stillness, nevertheless the weight of the camera was a strong disadvantage to how long you could keep the camera still for.

During the editing it was challenging to get the footage to match in sync with the lyrics and beat. Nevertheless, my group prevailed and we successfully completed the editing and the lip synching was remarkably accurate for my group’s first attempt. In addition, in Final Cut Pro I learnt how to place footage on to top of each other like ‘layering’, which included us opening sounds and listening to our footage back. Then put a ‘M’ for marking the time to the rythym of the song.

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